telling stories …

… that’s part of everyday life here. To make you a little more understandable what I mean by that, two examples.

Thieves walk around here who offer stolen things “at the hut” for sale. The purchase is then often tempting cheap. However, you can get into significant problems for this. If a neighbor discovers that you have bought something like this, there will be trouble. It can happen that the whole neighborhood comes, binds you and beats you up hard.

The other day we drove past a cluster of people and wondered what was happening there, then we could see a person lying on the ground who was tied up and who was severely beaten and kicked. David then explained to us that it must have been a thief. The variant that the police is involved is of course also possible, but rather unlikely.

The wife of one of our gardeners dismissed David’s clues and made some bargain purchases. Among them was a solar panel for charging phones. Someone had stolen it from his brother’s house because he was gone for a few weeks. The mother of the two discovered the panel and informed the LC1, something like the mayor.

When the gardener was asked about it, he said. He did not buy the things. Someone had come who urgently needed money and he had left the panel and the other things as a pledge because he had been helped. He would come back, bring the money and take things back.

The employee then had to return the things and luckily that was the end of the matter. David then asked all employees once again to refrain from such purchases.

Why does the employee tell something that is obviously a story? So that no one thinks he has done something wrong. Admitting something is NOT possible here, because of the shame. Then a story is told.

Another similar thing we experienced with the two instructors that David dismissed. Both were unwilling to work according to the method of “learning by understanding” and continued to practice “learning by constant repetition” against David’s wishes and Paul’s guidance. One got involved with a married man from the community and became pregnant. The other has repeatedly left her children alone at night to deal with one(?) Man to meet. One night, the children screamed so hard that David had to bring them to him. Both were therefore unsustainable and were silently released at the end of the year.

Now they go actively, not only when asked, through the neighborhood and tell how badly they have been treated here and how to deal with the children here. They would have seen no other option than to leave this workplace. Why are they doing this? So that no one even comes to the idea that it was up to you that she had to leave the workplace.

Of course, David didn’t tell anyone the real reasons. But the entire neighborhood knows about the adultery.

At the same time, they come to David and ask him to reinstate them, they would now also change the way they teach.

I could continue this post on storytelling endlessly. Once a man told me a story to cover up wrongdoing. When I heard her, I had to smile inwardly and listened to the man sympathetically for a quarter of an hour, because she was so wonderfully told and embellished.

When I told Petra about it, she said: “But that’s just a story, why didn’t you ask him!”

And I said, “But isn’t it beautifully told?”

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